Thursday, April 26, 2012

Gotcha Day Party!

First Gotcha Day Celebration!

Boy, am I behind in life or what?!!! Yes, we celebrated Levi's first Gotcha Day on February 28, 2012.  And yes, today is April 26 and I'm just now posting the pictures!  Let's just say life with a two year old is busy, busy, and busy but a blessed life indeed.

Dear Levi,
How could I begin to describe this last year?  I'm in tears now as I think of how my heart explodes with love for you.  From the moment I saw your picture, I loved you.  And, that love grows exponentially with each smile, giggle, new word, and new personality trait you develop.  You have a spunk for life that is contagious.  You find joy in the smallest things, and you've taught me to savor each moment.  You are a mommy's boy through and through...promise me that will never change, Ok?  :) 

I stand in awe of the Lord's divine plan and His perfect timing.  Happy Gotcha Day to my beautiful son!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Christmas to Remember

Levi, remember our first Christmas as a family?
Remember when...
  • You first discovered that Jesus was once a baby, just like you.
  • You cried and clawed your way out of Santa's lap!
  • You received more gifts than Santa's sleigh could hold.
  • Your favorite present was a Thomas the Train set.
  • You saw me on stage at the Christmas Candlelight service and yelled, "MOMMY!"
  • You took your first bite of fruitcake...and then promptly spit it out!
  • You took your first bite of chocolate covered cherries...and said, "More peez."
  • I sat and watched you sleep on Christmas Eve thanking God for my precious child.

Just as Mary treasured up all her memories of young Jesus, I'm storing away each special moment in my heart. This will be a Christmas to remember for sure!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First Family Vacation

People told us, "Do not attempt this!" Not wise...wouldn't be prudent! Do not attempt a family vacation with a two year old. But, like most advice, we didn't listen. Instead, we packed our bags and headed off to the beaches of South Carolina for Thanksgiving and Levi's birthday. And we had a blast! Yes, it took a little more planning and a bit a flexibility, but I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Among our favorites sites were Fort Sumter (where the Civil War began), Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, and chasing birds and waves on the shoreline. We had to weather a few sicknesses along the way, but all is good now. So, I'm marking "First Family Vacation" off my bucket list and moving on to another challenge. Next, please...!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gobble, gobble, gobble

Who needs to eat turkey on Thanksgiving when you can chase one?! Here is our very own "turkey whisperer" doing his best to bring home a turkey for dinner!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

All things Bob!

Levi LOVES Bob the Builder! What is it about little boys and their obsession with trucks, tractors, and bull dozers?! When we're riding in the car, Levi feels compelled to point out every piece of construction equipment on the road. Bob? Bob? Seeee....Bob!

So no other theme would do for Levi's 2nd birthday party other than a complete blow out Bob the Builder extravaganza. What fun! I was a little worried about the pinata, but even that was a huge success with no injuries or trips to the ER. :)

What a change from last year when we celebrated the first birthday of our son (still in Korea) with a lonely candle and a slice of pie. Lord, you are an amazing Father! Of all the children in the world, you chose Levi for us....we are truly blessed! Happy Birthday Levi!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

October Pictures...finally :)

Halloween pictures of the cutest lil' golfer you have ever seen!