Adam said he wanted to send Levi some "manly clothes". I wasn't sure what this meant. Camoflauge? Work boots? What exactly does a six month old "man" wear?

Then, I remembered . Adam is not a fan of the pastel boys baby clothes with ducks and bunnies on them. And quite frankly, I don't blame him. So, I headed off to Old Navy and bought Levi an outfit just like his daddy wears to work every day. Khaki pants and a Polo shirt. (As a side note, Adam gets all embarrassed if he and I end up wearing even the same color to church on Sunday, but you should have seen him beaming at the idea of him and Levi with matching outfits.) LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON!
Then, I remembered . Adam is not a fan of the pastel boys baby clothes with ducks and bunnies on them. And quite frankly, I don't blame him. So, I headed off to Old Navy and bought Levi an outfit just like his daddy wears to work every day. Khaki pants and a Polo shirt. (As a side note, Adam gets all embarrassed if he and I end up wearing even the same color to church on Sunday, but you should have seen him beaming at the idea of him and Levi with matching outfits.) LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON!