In the pictures, he is opening the birthday package we sent him, but it looks like the items that interest him most are the jewelry box and lipstick holder we sent for his foster mom. Go figure!
Here is the update from the agency about our son:
He likes paper and books. He can wave, say uh-bu-bah (piggy-back), bye-bye, omma, appa, bop ( rice), mam-ma (food), pa-pa. If he hears the phone ring, he goes to telephone; he likes it a lot. Since June, he pulls up to stand and has taken a few steps unassisted. He eats everything such as rice, gruel, and fruit and does not seem to be a picky eater. He goes to sleep at 10 pm and wakes at 2 am drinking a bottle and goes back to sleep. Then he wakes up at 5 am and gets another bottle and finally gets up 7 am. He sleeps by the foster mother at night. While sleeping, he rolls over and over on the floor. He is not fussy before sleeping. He likes to bathe; this happens in the morning. If the foster mother is not with him, he is upset. In September, he had a fever due to bronchitis and was hospitalized for one week. He is good natured and laughs easily. He climbs on low tables and can sit on it. Pa Rang is the only foster child at the foster home.
As of Nov. 24, weight 10.1kg, height 74.5cm, head 45.8cm, chest 45cm teeth 0/1
As of Oct. 25, weight 9.8kg, height 73.6cm, head 45.2cm, chest 44.4cm
As of Oct. 25, weight 9.8kg, height 73.6cm, head 45.2cm, chest 44.4cm