Our birthday package for Levi is on its way to Seoul, South Korea. I'm hoping it gets there just in time for Levi's first birthday celebration! The US post office has a shipping program that uses the motto, "If it fits, it ships" and it's amazing just how much you can cram into one box. Here's a run down of what we sent.
Three outfits. Isn't the Puma running suit the cutest?

Lots of fun things: A singing birthday card, pull along puppy, birthday hats and whistles, and a recorder cell phone with a special birthday message from Mommy and Daddy. The message is in English, of course, and will make no sense to Levi, but at least he will get to hear our voices.

And of course a few things for Ms. Kwon, his foster mom: cookies, scarf, manicure set, and a Texas Rangers cap. Even though the Rangers didn't win the world series, we are still proud of them!

Happy Birthday to one special and loved little boy!
This stuff looks great!! He will love it! I am so excited we get to send birthday packages! We get to send one in January!!