Well as they say, it's a done deal! At last! We finalized Levi's adoption on Friday, September 16, 2011! Here we are holding the final adoption decree which states Levi Thomas Parang Williams is our son forever, and ever, and ever....

So after completing mounds and mounds (see picture above) of legal papers, background checks, and home studies we are finished! And you know what? IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! Levi is worth it!
In fact, I would do it again. In fact, we just may do it again....so stay tuned!

Our judge was wonderful, and the adoption ceremony was so touching. Here is a sample of the questions Adam and I had to answer:
Do you consider your marriage stable? Yes
Do you understand your responsibilties as parents? I think so...
Do you vow to meet Levi's needs? Absolutely
Do you promise to love and cherish your son? Done!
I couldn't help but think every parent should be required to make such vows before embarking on the most important job of their life. Today, I'm thankful for my son and for my family and friends that have prayed, supported, and loved us through this journey!
Levi has brought so much joy to us in the 6 mos. he has been with us. Life is fuller, more exciting, and so much fun with Levi. We have been very blessed to have this wonderful little boy as part of our family. I look forward to every moment with him. Love, GMA Kay