Levi is VERY active! In fact, I had to steal this snapshot while he was sleeping just so he would be still.
Levi got his first black eye this week...on mom's watch. :) He loves to climb on anything that isn't moving including furniture, toilets, Grandpa's lawn mover, and yes even the golf cart. He can usually negotiate the step down by scooting on his belly and lowering himself gently to the ground. But, this time our little dare devil took it feet first and stepped off as though the descent were 2 inches and not 2 feet. He came down with a crash and hit his eye on the corner of the cart. And he hit hard...ouch!
The irony of all of this is the "eye incident" happened one hour after our social worker completed her first post-adoption visit. You know, the visit where they determine how well you are caring for your newly adopted child. Whew! Didn't want to have to explain that one.
I have a funny feeling that this will be the first of many boo-boo's that Omma (Mommy) has to kiss for our sweet boy. But that's Ok, I don't mind! :)
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