Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life on the Compound...

We jokingly call the acreage we live on the "Williams Compound". (No...we aren't stock piling guns, and no one has more than one wife.) We call it this because there are quite a few Williams living on one piece of land. We are blessed to have so much space outside for Levi for run, play, explore, and just do what little boys do. Here are few pics from Levi's first outing on the compound.

Rummaging through the leaves...hope he doesn't have momma's allergies. :)

First trip to the trampoline!

He's wondering, "How do I get in the chicken coup to play?"


  1. Hi Brandi!

    Read all of the way back to the referral.:) Enjoyed following your story! My husband is also a pastor in Texas. Congratulations on getting your son home!

    (Dillon Forum Mom)

  2. Thanks again for taking time and sharing your special journey. God is so good. Others agree you could write a book.
    God bless all of you.
    Love, Johnnie

  3. Such a sweet, happy face!!! I can't get over how cute he is!!!! :)
