Wednesday, September 22, 2010

21 pair and counting!

Knowing that we have a baby coming, I've been trying to downsize. You know....less shoes, fewer trips to the mall, saving our pennies. Fortunately, my mother-in-law Kay is gladly and whole heartily picking up the slack! She has bought her grandson Levi a total of 21 pair of shoes! All sizes, colors, and styles. Among my favorites are the orange and grey Sketchers and the Halloween cat shoes that "meow" when you take a step.
Levi's closet is also full of play outfits, church clothes, and golfing attire (for when Adam takes him to play 18 holes!). He's spoiled and he is not even here yet!

Nursery Pictures

Levi's nursery is finally complete! We chose an Asian theme complete with bamboo, panda bears, and cherry blossoms. The scripture above his bed reads, "For this child, I have prayed" from the book of 1st Samuel, and this is definitely the truth! We have our family, friends, and entire church congregation praying for our special little boy across the world.

The bedding has cherry blossoms and black/white checker print.

My mom, Kay, and I found this shelving at IKEA, and it's perfect for holding toys and books. And every nursery needs a panda table (isn't it adorable?) and beautiful lanterns.